

18/07/2022 CosmeticBusiness

The "Colour Road" in Post-Pandemic Times

Turning Trends into Business: Colour Collections for Brands to Attract Consumers in 2023

Every year, German masterbatch manufacturer Lifocolor publishes "Colour Road" by Renolit to give an overview of trending colours for branded goods. In a lecture entitled "Colour Road – Trending Colours for Cosmetics in 2023" at CosmeticBusiness, Jessica Knoch and Andrea Hanke presented the colour collections that will enable beauty brands to reach their target consumers in the next year. In addition, they explained that these trending colours may also be used for PCR materials in sustainable cosmetics packaging and how this can work.

Like other conference programme lectures stated, it again was clear that upcoming trends are dominated by the two pandemic years. "Colour Road" does justice to this by creating a wide range between natural, subdued colours on the one hand and exuberant creativity and vibrance on the other. The 2023 palette consists of three colour collections.

Joie De Vivre, Steadfastness and Dynamic Energy Are the Trending Themes

The "Deep Level" colour collection represents everything that had to be suppressed during the pandemic as well as a fresh desire to celebrate the arts and reawakened freedoms as described by Jessica Knoch. This is reflected in bright colours, including the menthol-turquoise "Vibe", a vibrant "Hot Pink", the brilliant yellow "Joy" and a shade of lavender named "Spirit". According to Knoch, products and brands that use these colours demonstrate values such as confidence, passion, joie de vivre and extravagance.

The "Essential Level" is somewhat more reserved. The colours revolve around equilibrium and respect for the environment, Lifocolor explains. In 2023, consumers who identify with these values will be attracted by relatively strong colours that are derived from natural elements. These include "Vigour" in chestnut brown and a sandy shade called "Pure" as well as "Eternal", which is reminiscent of peat, and "Leaf Green" in a similar hue to chlorophyll. Knoch adds that these colours are connected with attributes such as steadfastness, calmness, reliability and serenity.

The third and so-called "Cosmic Level" is more dynamic. It is all about innovations waiting to be discovered and progress ready to be made, Knoch continues. This can be seen in colours such as the powerful orange "Firestar", which symbolises spontaneity and optimism. "Progress" is a strong blue that combines trust with energy and vitality. The bright turquoise "Straight" aims to express a love of freedom as well as clarity and openness. Finally, "Silver Lining" represents a ray of hope, the modern world and authenticity.

Almost Anything Is Possible

Lifocolor took the opportunity at the lecture to link the trending colours to a trending material. Companies offering plastic packaging are continually working on increasing the proportion of PCR materials they use. Andrea Hanke made it clear that it is now possible to produce convincing results when colouring recycled plastics. She provided evidence of the technical and economic viability of using almost all "Colour Road" shades in PCR materials. She also confirmed that there are still some limits. Particularly the strong, bright colours lose some of their brilliance or require virgin plastics to be mixed in with the PCR plastics. But not for much longer, she emphasised. Continued developments show promise of better results only a few years from now, Hanke added.

The lecture is available to registered users in the media library at .

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