
New Active Plant Ingredients, Technologies and Sustainability set the Trend for Ingredients and Packaging

From 5 to 6 June 2024, more than 400 suppliers will be presenting their trailblazing ideas and sustainable innovations to the cosmetics industry at CosmeticBusiness in Munich.

The idea of harnessing the power of nature to help the skin heal itself is a common feature of the new products in these categories. An important focus is on how recently discovered active plant ingredients and new technologies can be used in cosmetics products.

Sustainability remains the main issue for packaging. Above all, exhibitors at this year's event are expected to demonstrate how they use mono-material solutions to facilitate recycling and support the circular economy. Various exhibits at the trade fair are testimony to the continuing improvements in the use of recycled PCR materials.

All information in the new product information report is based on information provided by the exhibitors. Leipziger Messe is not liable for the functionality and/or safety of the products presented. All photos are supplied by exhibitors and manufacturers and can be used for editorial reporting only in combination with the relevant news item and a reference to the name of the exhibitor.

Novelties in Ingredients and Packaging at CosmeticBusiness 2024
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Images for Download: Novelties on Ingredients

Images for Download: Novelties from the Packaging Sector


Nicole Wege
Press Spokesperson