04 - 05 June 2025 in Munich CosmeticBusiness



31/05/2022 CosmeticBusiness

Swiss Natural Cosmetics Set for Success

Weleda Reports Stable Growth in the Second Year of the Pandemic

The Weleda natural cosmetics company ended 2021 with a turnover of 425 million euros, an increase of one million euros compared to the previous year. The Switzerland-based public limited company describes 2021 as a volatile and unpredictable year due to the ongoing pandemic.

Cosmetics on the Rise

Weleda's two business divisions – natural cosmetics and pharmaceuticals – developed differently. While the company reports a 3 per cent increase in overall natural cosmetics sales compared to the previous year, pharmaceutical sales fell by 10 per cent. Insurance companies in France no longer cover the cost of homoeopathic and anthroposophical therapies, and this had the most significant negative impact on the pharmaceutical division.

Weleda reports an operating profit of 13 million euros, which was lower than the previous year (22 million euros). The company attributes this to the challenges faced by its pharmaceutical division and to investments, primarily in renewing its infrastructure. This includes a new logistics site in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany and the modernisation and expansion of manufacturing facilities in Arlesheim, Switzerland. Weleda has also increased its investments in research and development for both business divisions.

400,000 Euros to Protect Farmland

In 2021, the company also continued its commitment to sustainability. According to Weleda, its global Save Earth's Skin campaign aims to inform people about the importance of soil health and the threats to soil around the world. The company works with the Bio-Foundation Switzerland and its Soil Fertility Fund in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. So far, this has enabled more than one million square metres of arable land to be reclaimed for regenerative farming, according to Weleda. In 2022, the company will contribute 400,000 euros to regenerative agriculture projects around the world.

Source: Weleda

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