04 - 05 June 2025 in Munich CosmeticBusiness



08/02/2024 CosmeticBusiness

Premium Beauty Is Set to Become Even More Sustainable

Douglas Plans to Reduce Indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Douglas has broadened its sustainability targets. The premium beauty retailer revealed this in its recently published Sustainability Report 2022/23.

32 Per Cent Reduction in CO2 Emissions

The company has set itself the goal of decreasing its environmental footprint everywhere from its offices to the last link in its supply chain. It aims to reduce its carbon footprint in Scopes 1 and 2 by 50 per cent by 2025 (compared with the baseline financial year 2018/19). According to the company, this footprint shrunk by 32 per cent in financial year 2022/23. Douglas has now set its sights on reducing Scope 3 emissions, too. This category encompasses all indirect greenhouse gas emissions from sources that the company does not have direct control over. The group has also signed the UN Global Compact pact.

94 Per Cent of Product Launches Are Vegan

As far as its product range is concerned, Douglas states that it has come very close to achieving its targets. The company is looking to ensure that 80 per cent of its corporate brands are vegan and 100 per cent of its packaging is recyclable, recycled or reusable by 2030. 94 per cent of new corporate brand launches were vegan in the financial year 2022/23. Moreover, the group has joined the EcoBeautyScore Consortium, which aims to help consumers make sustainable purchase choices.

ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) factors are core elements of the group's corporate strategy and are integrated into management remuneration.

Source: Douglas

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