

25/01/2023 CosmeticBusiness

Live Shopping Unleashes New Market Potential

Study Sees the Future of Retail in this Increasingly Popular Form of Distribution

According to a study by strategy consultants Simon-Kucher & Partners, live shopping could decide the future of retail. In China, live shopping already accounts for ten percent of all online purchases. Now the digital sales events are also establishing themselves in Germany. According to this, 66 per cent of the Germans surveyed are open to this form of events, 73 per cent of them for the purchase of cosmetics and care products. However, only eight per cent have made such purchases so far. According to the study, this reveals a huge market potential. In order to use this potential, the consultants recommend a differentiated product and price strategy. Live shopping is an online form of sales in which the offer is limited in time, the products are often limited or available at special prices. Customers can interact with the moderators and ask questions. Further information …

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