04 - 05 June 2025 in Munich CosmeticBusiness



12/01/2021 CosmeticBusiness

Hygiene and Social Distancing Change Body Care Routines

Two Studies Examine the Effects of Corona on the Skincare Routines of Austria's Consumers

More hand-washing and less make-up. In Austria, these are two of the most important effects of the Corona pandemic on consumer skin and body care. The Austrian information platform for brand manufacturers "Kosmetik transparent" determined this in two independent surveys conducted in April and October/November 2020.

More Home Office, Less Make-Up

According to the survey, more than a third of respondents reported more frequent use of hand cream during the April 2020 lockdown than before. In autumn 2020, the figure was still 14 per cent. The use of make-up, on the other hand, was down by almost a quarter in the spring, according to the platform. In October, just under ten per cent of respondents claimed that they still did without make-up. The more people work from home and the less they have the opportunity to go out, the more the desire to wear make-up and use deodorants and fragrances apparently decreases, according to the survey.

Contrary to results from other studies, consumers surveyed here also indicated using wellness products including full baths or body scrubs up to 18.8 per cent less during the April lockdown than before. This figure still hovered around ten per cent in October/November. The study authors assume that in times of lockdown and home office, there is simply not enough time in the day for such things, especially if there are also children being homeschooled as well.

Use What You Have Before Buying More

According to the studies, noticeable changes are particularly evident in how skin and body care products were purchased. On the one hand, there was an expected increase in online shopping, on the other, there was more purchasing in grocery stores. Drugstores were no longer the first destination for 6.6 per cent of respondents. Average monthly spending per person on skin and body care products was EUR 31.20 before the pandemic and EUR 28.90 during. The authors say that this reflects the fact that people are using up what they have on hand and keep an eye on household expenses.

Source: Kosmetik transparent, photo: Adobe Stock/ monticellllo

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