04 - 05 June 2025 in Munich CosmeticBusiness



14/04/2022 CosmeticBusiness

How Brands Can Provide Support During Ramadan

Understanding the Fasting Month as a Time of Spirituality

We are currently in Ramadan, the Islamic holy month. This period focuses on spirituality. Consultants from Mintel have published tips on how beauty brands can support Muslim consumers during the weeks of abstinence. According to these tips, marketing in this period should focus on themes that are important to Muslim consumers at this time of year.

Mintel recommends that beauty and body care brands take a look at Great Britain. In the last few years, supermarkets there have already provided several examples of how to take Muslim consumers into consideration. These have included special Ramadan offers for food and drink as well as collaborations with food influencers to suggest suitable recipes for this period.

Focus on "Mindfulness" and "Sustainability"

Beauty and body care products can contribute directly to supporting the user's spirituality just by helping with self-care, the market experts say. Brands could make "mindfulness" and "sustainability" the subjects of their campaigns. They could also contribute to helping Muslim consumers feel well at home since they do not go out much during Ramadan. This includes issues such as the adverse effects fasting can have on skin and lips. Moisturising products could thus become the focus, and especially items without perfumes or aromas, to be more in keeping with the spirit of fasting.

Ramadan is also a time when Muslims are encouraged to take part in charitable work. Therefore, brands could set up suitable charitable initiatives or donate to causes that are important to Muslim communities. Here, Mintel also mentions Great Britain as an example: the supermarket chain Asda plans to donate 100,000 pounds nationwide to Muslim charitable organisations and community groups this year.

Develop Understanding of the Target Group

Alongside an appreciation of themes that are important to Muslim consumers during their fasting month, it is essential that brands also integrate an understanding of the target group into their plans from the start, Mintel says. The analysts point out the fundamental fact that Muslims are not a homogenous group and explain that there are many cultural and geographical nuances with respect to behaviour and mindsets.

Mintel uses the example of MAC Cosmetics to show what happens when this is not taken into account. In 2018 the brand published an Instagram tutorial showing how Muslim consumers dress smartly and put on make-up for Suḥūr, the last meal before sunrise, and thus also before the day's fast begins. The video was intended for consumers in the Middle East, where it is, in fact, common to wear make-up for this occasion. However, in many other Muslim regions, this is not the case. It ended up being mocked and required explanation, which was certainly not the intended outcome.

Source: Mintel Photo: Adobe Stock, Konstantin Postumitenko

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