Fragrances Created From By-Products
A New Line of Fragrances Uses Upcycled Ingredients
Mäurer & Wirtz has introduced its new "Care" range of fragrances made from upcycled ingredients. There are three new creations under the brand called "Second Skin", "Clean Silk", and "Energy Boost". According to the company, the products are based on "clean beauty" formulas. They are vegan, not tested on animals and free of dyes, mineral and palm oil, phthalates and UV-blockers as well as other controversial ingredients.
Upcycled Wood, Rose Petals and Turmeric Root
The upcycled ingredients are designed to give the fragrances their special character. "Second Skin", for example, contains an extract obtained from oak woodchips that are a by-product of manufacturing cognac barrels. For "Clean Silk", rose petals are sourced from rose oil production facilities in Isparta, the Turkish "City of Roses", the manufacturer explains. "Energy Boost" uses the lower parts of the turmeric root that are left over after the harvest on farms in India.
Recycling and CO2 Compensation
According to Mäurer & Wirtz, "Care" stands for both upcycling and recycling. This means that the bottles, made of glass and other recycled materials, are up to 95 per cent recyclable. The manufacturer says it compensates for the carbon footprint of the fragrance line with ClimatePartner. Specifically, "Care" supports a forest preservation project in Indonesia that aims to protect 64,000 hectares of rainforest by offering people in the region income alternatives to deforestation.
Source: Mäurer & Wirtz