

02/11/2023 CosmeticBusiness

Dm Wants to Remain "Environmentally Neutral“

The Trading Company Appeals for the Use of the Term

Dm is sticking to the term "environmentally neutral". However, the company will refrain from using the term "climate neutral" in the future. Since May 2022, Deutsche Umwelthilfe has been taking legal action against several companies that label their products with terms such as "climate neutral" or similar. In the first instance, the German drugstore chain dm was prohibited from using the terms "climate neutral" and "environmentally neutral" in July 2023. However, dm had already terminated its cooperation with the certifier ClimatePartner in October 2022 and therefore refrains from sticking to the associated label "climate neutral". The term "environmentally neutral", on the other hand, is based on a scientific approach, according to the retail company. The further use is now to be clarified in an appeal procedure. Further information …

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