

19/10/2022 CosmeticBusiness

Cosmetics Should Not Be a Luxury

How cosnova Advocated the "Democratisation of Beauty" for 20 Years

cosnova is celebrating its 20th birthday. This international player in the cosmetics industry is considered the market leader in Germany and Europe based on unit sales. Brands include essence and Catrice, which represent the company's belief in democratising beauty and its goal to "make everyone feel more beautiful". In an interview, founder Christina Oster-Daum explains what is so special about the company.

What inspired you to found cosnova?

20 years ago, it was the general opinion that cosmetics should be an expensive luxury and women are prepared to spend large amounts of money on them. Affordable brands offering high-quality products with a high degree of innovation were hard to find. The market was ready for a trendy cosmetics brand with all these attributes.

What made cosnova different and why?

We decided that rather than investing in classical advertising, we would focus on developing the best possible products. Right from the start of our marketing activities, we aimed to maintain a close dialogue with our target group. So we began working with bloggers and influencers very early on and soon had a strong presence on the relevant social media platforms.

How did you manage to overcome the crises of the last 20 years?

I always try to make the best of situations that seem impossible. Where there are challenges, opportunities also arise. We have come out of the pandemic stronger, for example. We have used the last two years to expand our position in the digital beauty and e-commerce markets. The last financial year was the most successful ever and our net group turnover of 467 million euros was higher than before the pandemic.

What are your plans for your anniversary year?

We would like to encourage everyone to show their full personality and to live it out in full colour. Make-up enables people to express and highlight their individuality in a unique way. But there is one thing we should never forget: beauty is not a competition! We don't want to create any pressure to conform to beauty ideals or limits. Our anniversary campaign is designed to inspire people to lead a fulfilled life, discover new aspects of themselves, and follow their own path.

Source: Beautypress

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