Biosurfactants Made From Rapeseed Oil and Sugar
Mirasoft By Solvay Are To Make Beauty Care Products Carbon-Neutral
Solvay has launched two new biosurfactants for carbon-neutral and circular beauty care products. According to the supplier of cosmetic ingredients, Mirasoft SL L60 and Mirasoft SL A60 are based on rapeseed oil and sugar with low environmental and carbon footprint. These glycolipid biosurfactants are said to be suitable for a broad range of applications in beauty care such as shampoos, conditioners, shower gels, face washes and creams. They both reportedly are designed to provide the same performance as synthetic ingredients without harmful environmental effects. Mirasoft SL L60 and Mirasoft SL A60 are readily biodegradable and 100 per cent biobased, the company adds. Further information ...