04 - 05 June 2025 in Munich CosmeticBusiness



23/06/2021 CosmeticBusiness

Beautiful Skin and Feeling Good

Eucerin Publishes a Second Study on Skincare and Self-Confidence in Women

Beautiful and healthy skin can fulfil a woman's natural desire to feel good by enhancing assertiveness and self-confidence. This is one of the main findings of a second study on women by Eucerin, published in cooperation with Statista and market research company Happy Thinking People. Using quantitative methods and in-depth psychological interviews, the investigation was designed to find out what currently makes women happy and how they ensure that their skin feels good.

Inspired by Others

The study found that comparisons with other women are a major factor. One in two women under 39 years of age often or very often look to other women for guidance or inspiration. The first things they look at are body and figure, hair, clothes and skin. Other points of comparison are charisma as well as less superficial aspects such as way of life, relationships, or career success. The older women get, the less they put themselves under pressure, the study concurred. Older women therefore compare themselves to others much less often.

The study found that if a woman's skin feels good, she will feel more self-confident. 89 per cent of women feel better after applying skincare products and more than one in two women feels more desirable and self-confident after using cream. In young women, as many as seven in ten feel their confidence levels depend on the condition of their skin, compared to just over one in two women overall. Skin complexion has an impact on social life when dating (60 per cent), when in a relationship (50 per cent) and in their free time (46 per cent), according to the study.

Skincare for More Confidence

Beautiful, healthy and well-cared-for skin can contribute to wellbeing and self-confidence. Women then behave more confidently which in turn leads to better wellbeing and more beautiful skin, the authors deduced. The bottom line is that for many women, and especially younger women, healthy, beautiful skin plays a major role. They are prepared to take active steps to do something about it.

Source: Eucerin Photo: Park Street, Unsplash

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