Age spots decoded
Shiseido clarifies the mechanism of skin changes
With an innovative research approach, the Japanese cosmetics company Shiseido has discovered the secret of age spots. The company has now announced that it has uncovered the mechanism behind the worsening of age spots. Using Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM), which enables real-time observation of the skin, Shiseido has developed the world's first method for assessing the cell metabolism of age spots. By mapping the life cycle of age spots, cellular senescence has been identified as the cause of age spot aggravation. Senescence refers to the state in which a cell stops dividing but does not die.
Triple active ingredient against age spots
Based on these findings, Shiseido has developed a triple active ingredient that specifically combats the worsening of age spots. It improves the cellular senescence mechanism specific to age spots. Shiseido's triple active ingredient was continuously applied to human skin for six weeks. This significantly increased the metabolism in age spots. For these groundbreaking research results, the company was honoured with a top award at the congress of the International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists - the world's leading research conference for cosmetic technology.
The success of decades of research
In more than 100 years of research, Shiseido has already uncovered several factors related to the development of age spots. Various approaches have been used to study the microenvironment in which excessive melanin formation and melanin deposition occurs, which reduces metabolism at the site of age spots, leads to senescence and aggravates age spots. "There is a source and a vicious cycle of age spot development and spread," the company emphasises. "In order to respond to a variety of skin concerns and support the pursuit of individual beauty, we will continue to deepen our research to gain a deep understanding of skin concerns and develop solutions," the renowned company announced.
Source: Shiseido